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Sat: 9am - 10:30am, by appointment. 21 John street, Lidcombe, 9646 2828.
Sat: 11am - 4pm, by appointment, Auburn Family Medical Centre, 4A Auburn road, Auburn, 9749 2444.

Sat: by appointment. CSD Clinic,
Suite 28, Level 2,World Square, 650 George Street,Sydney 9283 5772


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A story to share: Exercise, eat well to prevent stroke

Exercise, eat well to prevent stroke

11:34 AEST Wed Jan 21 2009

Exercise and a balanced diet are the best precautions against strokes, notes the Berlin-based German Neurological Society (DGN).

Citing a recent US study that showed vitamins to be ineffective at reducing the risk of strokes or heart attacks, it advised against regularly taking vitamins C and E to help prevent vascular disease.

The study was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

The DGN said its recommendations applied to people who had never had a stroke as well as those already suffering from impaired cerebral blood flow. Incorporating more exercise into one's daily

routine is easy, it said, by using the stairs instead of the lift.

The DGN also pointed out that people could help avoid high cholesterol and blood sugar levels, and thereby lowering the risk of a stroke, by eating fish and vegetables more often.


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