Enquiry and appointment 諮詢及預約

Sat: 9am - 10:30am, by appointment. 21 John street, Lidcombe, 9646 2828.
Sat: 11am - 4pm, by appointment, Auburn Family Medical Centre, 4A Auburn road, Auburn, 9749 2444.

Sat: by appointment. CSD Clinic,
Suite 28, Level 2,World Square, 650 George Street,Sydney 9283 5772


Monday, June 8, 2009

Food and Flu

With the latest pandemic of the Swine Flu, it is probably worth considering whether you are eating healthy enough to sustain your health right now. Food and healthy lifestyle choices boost your immune system, and that can prevent you from coming down with colds and flu. The key is to eat healthly before you get too sick!

Here are some tips:
Rely on Real Food, Not Vitamins: Foods are better than dietary supplements for the prevention of colds and flu because you get the whole nutritional package Eat More Fruits and Vegetables: Everyone needs at least five servings of fruits and vegetables every day to get adequate vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants -- all things we need for a healthy immune system.
Balance diet: Good nutrition is still important if you catch a cold or influenza. Focus on getting three meals per day, and don’t forget to keep eating lots of fruits and vegetables.

Food to boost your immune system + more:
Cruciferous vegetables protect the body from nasty free radicals which cause everything harmful, from a wrinkle to cancer. Cruciferous vegies include cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, Brussel sprouts.
Orange and yellow vegetables and fruit contain carotenoids and loads of vitamin A, which dramatically improve the immune system, and protect the eyes and skin. Try paw paw, apricot, pineapple, rockmelon, pumpkin, carrot and oranges.
Green leafy vegetables are packed with folate and photochemicals. They are one of the most nutrient dense, yet low calorie foods we have, are packed with minerals such as iron and vitamins such as vitamin K.
Dark coloured berries have been shown to massively improve the immune system. Like dark coloured green leafy vegies, berries have a positive effect on inflammatory diseases. Try Goji berries, blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, and cranberries.
Oats are the best head start you can give your body every day! They can help lower cholesterol, control blood sugar levels. They are low GI, rich in soluble fibre and beta glucan.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Nuts and its benefit

From the International Nuts and Health SymposiumThe second International Nuts and Health Symposium, held California in 2007 was attended by a range of industry professionals.

The following outcomes were presented at the conference and published in a supplement in The Journal of Nutrition (September 2008 issue).

- Individuals who enjoy nuts regularly, generally have higher intakes of many beneficial nutrients.
- Nuts in moderation may be included in a weight loss regimen.
- Higher nut consumption is associated with lower risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Dietary Supplement - Part 2 - Propolis

What is Propolis?

Propolis has been around for over 45 million years, and has been used by man for thousands of years. Bees create propolis, a natural resin, to build their hives. Numerous case reports have demonstrated propolis to be a potent allergen and sensitizing agent. Therefore, it should be used cautiously in allergic people. Toxicity with propolis is rare, although there are multiple case reports of skin irritation and itching, as well as blood vessel inflammation.

Medicinal use
It is still unclear on the medicinal use on Propolis, however, Propolis is claimed to have the following dietary effects:
- Prevention on cold and flu
- Reduce inflammation and infection
- treatment for rheumatic and other inflammatory diseases

Patients should avoid propolis if they have had allergic/hypersensitivity reactions to propolis, Populus nigra L. (black poplar), poplar bud, bee stings/bee products (including honey), or Balsam of Peru.

Last Note
Some of these claims are being clinically investigated and further studies are needed to proves its efficacy.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A story to share: Exercise, eat well to prevent stroke

Exercise, eat well to prevent stroke

11:34 AEST Wed Jan 21 2009

Exercise and a balanced diet are the best precautions against strokes, notes the Berlin-based German Neurological Society (DGN).

Citing a recent US study that showed vitamins to be ineffective at reducing the risk of strokes or heart attacks, it advised against regularly taking vitamins C and E to help prevent vascular disease.

The study was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

The DGN said its recommendations applied to people who had never had a stroke as well as those already suffering from impaired cerebral blood flow. Incorporating more exercise into one's daily

routine is easy, it said, by using the stairs instead of the lift.

The DGN also pointed out that people could help avoid high cholesterol and blood sugar levels, and thereby lowering the risk of a stroke, by eating fish and vegetables more often.


Monday, January 12, 2009

蜂皇乳 - Royal Jelly

許多患者是採取飲食补充的, 在即將來臨的文章上, 將總結飲食補充的好處, 幫助您做出正确的決定。

蜂皇乳 - Royal Jelly
蜂王漿又稱蜂王乳, 主要供為蜂王的終身食物及養育工蜂幼蟲。

蜂王漿的成分極為複雜多樣,新鮮蜂王漿含水65-68%、蛋白質11-14%、脂類6%、碳水化合物14-17%、灰分1%、未確定物質3%。蜂王漿含 40 種以上天然氨基酸、維他命及礦物質等營養素,有效補充身體所需,強化內部機能,有助常保青春。

新鮮王漿因含蛋白質高及多樣營養作份,常溫下放置極易變質,故必需保存在冰箱的冷凍庫內,食用時取出挖一小塊,含在口中,為了完全吸收,最好在早晨空腹和晚上臨睡前食用,每次5-10 公克。另市面上也有以冷凍乾燥方式的濃縮粉膠囊及錠劑,方便外出攜帶及食用。

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Dietary supplement - Part 1 - Royal Jelly

Many patients are start taking dietary supplement to improve general well-being. In the upcoming article, I will summarise the benefits of the dietary supplements so to help you making the right decision.

Royal Jelly
Royal Jelly is of the highest quality and may assist in the maintenance or improvement of general well being. Royal jelly contains vitamins, such as pantothenic acid, minerals and phytosterols. Pantothenic acid (Vitamin B5) is known to be essential for energy production and important part of healthy skin, hair and nails.

Royal Jelly is a complex nutrient comprised of:
  • 18 amino acids
  • 16 vitamins (including the entire B complex, A, C, D, E, and K)
  • minerals and trace elements (including calcium, copper, iron, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, and sodium
  • other organic compounds including proteins, lipids and carbohydrates
Royal Jelly comes in different forms: Powerdered, capsules and fresh

Royal Jelly which has been reported to cause severe allergic reactions and in rare cases fatalities, especially in asthma and allergy sufferers. It is also not suitable for children.