Enquiry and appointment 諮詢及預約

Sat: 9am - 10:30am, by appointment. 21 John street, Lidcombe, 9646 2828.
Sat: 11am - 4pm, by appointment, Auburn Family Medical Centre, 4A Auburn road, Auburn, 9749 2444.

Sat: by appointment. CSD Clinic,
Suite 28, Level 2,World Square, 650 George Street,Sydney 9283 5772


Thursday, February 26, 2009

Nuts and its benefit

From the International Nuts and Health SymposiumThe second International Nuts and Health Symposium, held California in 2007 was attended by a range of industry professionals.

The following outcomes were presented at the conference and published in a supplement in The Journal of Nutrition (September 2008 issue).

- Individuals who enjoy nuts regularly, generally have higher intakes of many beneficial nutrients.
- Nuts in moderation may be included in a weight loss regimen.
- Higher nut consumption is associated with lower risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

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