Enquiry and appointment 諮詢及預約
Sat: 9am - 10:30am, by appointment. 21 John street, Lidcombe, 9646 2828.
Sat: 11am - 4pm, by appointment, Auburn Family Medical Centre, 4A Auburn road, Auburn, 9749 2444.
Sat: by appointment. CSD Clinic, Suite 28, Level 2,World Square, 650 George Street,Sydney 9283 5772
Sat: 11am - 4pm, by appointment, Auburn Family Medical Centre, 4A Auburn road, Auburn, 9749 2444.
Sat: by appointment. CSD Clinic, Suite 28, Level 2,World Square, 650 George Street,Sydney 9283 5772
Monday, April 28, 2008
Nutrition@Cafe(銅鑼灣店) in Hong Kong
香港除了是購物天堂之外,亦是區內公認的美食天堂,各國的美食、中國地方菜及港式美食、街邊小吃通通也可以在此品嚐得到,但每每發現絕大部份的食肆提供的也是多鹽、多脂及多油的「滋味美食」,在一片修身的風潮下令很多想前去光顧的人為之卻步! 食物方面全是低脂、低糖及低鹽的健康之選,其中的焗瑞士雞翼更是經秘方醃製,烤焗後鎖住雞翼的瑞士汁,讓其味道加倍香濃;一系列的沙律同樣清新!
Such an interesting cafe in HK, very ideal for health conscious people looking for delicious yet healthy meals. Will soon try to capture some healthy receipes as well as local restuarant in Sydney to share with everyone.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Glycemic Index? 「升糖指數」
Glycemic Index?
The glycemic index or GI describes this difference by ranking carbohydrates according to their effect on our blood glucose levels. Choosing low GI carbs can helps to reducing your risk of heart disease and diabetes and is the key to sustainable weight loss. Low GI food will incread blood glucose levels steadily, whereas high GI food will caused a sharp raises of blood glucose levels and therefore caused the flutuation of glucose levels.
High GI food: > 70
Medium GI food: 56- 69
Low GI food: <55
Other than eating different types of carbohydrate can affects the glucose levels, the structure and processing methods can also affects GI as well:
GI值,英文叫Glycemic Index,就是營養學上所說的「升糖指數」,是指食物吃進去後,血糖升高相對於吃進去葡萄糖時的比例。選擇低GI carbs 的食物幫助減少心臟病和糖尿病的風險和是減重策的略. 低GI的食物,吃後令血糖上升的速度及幅度相對較平穩﹔高GI的話,即表示進食後會令血糖快速上升
高GI值 : 大過或等如70
中GI值 : 56至69
低GI值 : 小過或等如55
The glycemic index or GI describes this difference by ranking carbohydrates according to their effect on our blood glucose levels. Choosing low GI carbs can helps to reducing your risk of heart disease and diabetes and is the key to sustainable weight loss. Low GI food will incread blood glucose levels steadily, whereas high GI food will caused a sharp raises of blood glucose levels and therefore caused the flutuation of glucose levels.
High GI food: > 70
Medium GI food: 56- 69
Low GI food: <55
Other than eating different types of carbohydrate can affects the glucose levels, the structure and processing methods can also affects GI as well:
- Higher fibre content = lower the GI. I.e. wholegrain bread's GI = 69, white bread's GI = 88. This is one of the reason why white bread is not recommended for diabetic diet.
- Cooked and uncooked fruit. I.e. Cooked banana's GI = 52, raw banana's GI = 30. As the cooking process helps to release the sugar content of the fruit.
- Carbohydrat's GI is lower compare to sugary (refined) products. I.e. rice/noodle's GI is lower compare to sweets like candy.
- Chopped food's GI will be higher than its whole food. I.e. mashed potato & jack potato.
Low GI food can be high in fat content as well, as GI is only an index for carbohydrate fod. So, a low GI foood can be potentially very high in fat content as well. For example, full cream milk's GI is 27, whereas skim milk's GI is 32! Hence, never just choose food containing low GI food without considering the total energy intake, as excessive caloric intake and high cholesterol intake can increase the risk of heart disease.
GI值,英文叫Glycemic Index,就是營養學上所說的「升糖指數」,是指食物吃進去後,血糖升高相對於吃進去葡萄糖時的比例。選擇低GI carbs 的食物幫助減少心臟病和糖尿病的風險和是減重策的略. 低GI的食物,吃後令血糖上升的速度及幅度相對較平穩﹔高GI的話,即表示進食後會令血糖快速上升
高GI值 : 大過或等如70
中GI值 : 56至69
低GI值 : 小過或等如55
- 纖維量愈高GI愈低纖維量較高的全麥麵包,GI為69,屬中升糖指數食物﹔白麵包的則為88,屬高升糖指數食物,怪不得吃白麵包不利血糖控制。
- 熟生水果GI有差距熟透的水果與未熟透的,GI會有差距。例如熟香蕉與生香蕉,前者GI為52,後者為30,因為熟香蕉糖分較高。
- 澱粉質GI低 糖類GI高澱粉質消化時間長,GI因而較低,例如粉麵飯﹔相反,糖類很快被身體吸收,GI自然較高,例如甜品糖水。
- 切碎食物GI較高薯蓉的GI較整個薯仔高,因為稀爛及切碎的食物較易吸收,令血糖快速上升。
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Food to lower your cholesterol
Choice: March 08
To lower your cholersterol from food......
Eating 2–3 g per day of plant sterols in the form of enriched spread, yoghurt, milk or a combination of these products can help lower your cholesterol.
What is Plant sterols?
Plant sterols (also known as phytosterols), which have a similar chemical structure to cholesterol. When eaten, they’re thought to compete with and block the absorption of cholesterol from the intestine, ultimately reducing the amount of cholesterol that ends up in your blood.
Which product can lower your cholesterol, and is cost effective?
Vaules are per 0.8g of plant sterol
Woolworths Select Pro-Col Light spread $0.14
Logicol Original spread $0.16
Logicol Plus Vitamins spread $0.17
Logicol Extra Light spread $0.17
Flora Pro-Activ Ultra Light spread $0.17
Devondale Reduce milk $0.66
Yoplait HeartActive yoghurt $1.50
Logicol yoghurt $2.00
Choice: March 08
To lower your cholersterol from food......
Eating 2–3 g per day of plant sterols in the form of enriched spread, yoghurt, milk or a combination of these products can help lower your cholesterol.
What is Plant sterols?
Plant sterols (also known as phytosterols), which have a similar chemical structure to cholesterol. When eaten, they’re thought to compete with and block the absorption of cholesterol from the intestine, ultimately reducing the amount of cholesterol that ends up in your blood.
Which product can lower your cholesterol, and is cost effective?
Vaules are per 0.8g of plant sterol
Woolworths Select Pro-Col Light spread $0.14
Logicol Original spread $0.16
Logicol Plus Vitamins spread $0.17
Logicol Extra Light spread $0.17
Flora Pro-Activ Ultra Light spread $0.17
Devondale Reduce milk $0.66
Yoplait HeartActive yoghurt $1.50
Logicol yoghurt $2.00
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Local: Chinese News March
Nutritional Talk for Australia Children Disability Association
Individual development and obtaining good health is restricted for disability, no matter in medical care, or under parental care. In addition the physiology or other factor, disable patients would require greater special support. Australia Children Disability Assoiation will be holding a health and nutritional information session in next month, which will discuss and investigate children nutritional concerns, how to obtain a balanced nutrition, and improve general wellbeing. The information session will invite Dietitian Miss Angel Chan, to introduce the health diet, and general healthy principles. Miss Chan has once worked in Fairfield Hospital as a Clinical Dietitian, and been an invited guest speaker promoting health and nutrition in broadcasting station such as 2AC and 2CR.
Another guest for the information session is the Assosication sub-chairman, who will be introducting practicial dietary tips as well as healthy recipes on the day.
Information session:
Date: 5th April Sat 2008
Time: 2:30-3:45pm
Venue: Belmore Senior Citizens Centre, Redman Parade, Belmore
Cost: free
新聞 :. 社區新聞
澳洲弱能兒童協康會將於下月初繼續舉辦家長資訊講座,探討弱能子女營養問題,和如何通過均衡營養,去改善弱能子女健康。今次講座將邀請到營養師陳鈺晶小姐作為主講嘉賓。陳小姐將會介紹有關均衡營養的常識,如何改善弱能子女的個人健康,同時亦可以幫助他們發揮潛能。現私人執業的陳小姐曾任 Fairfield 醫院營養師,她也曾在電臺上介紹營養學的常識。
日期: 二零零八年四月五日 星期六
時間: 下午二時三十分至三時四十五分
地點: Belmore Senior Citizens Centre, Redman Parade, Belmore
費用: 免費
Nutritional Talk for Australia Children Disability Association
Individual development and obtaining good health is restricted for disability, no matter in medical care, or under parental care. In addition the physiology or other factor, disable patients would require greater special support. Australia Children Disability Assoiation will be holding a health and nutritional information session in next month, which will discuss and investigate children nutritional concerns, how to obtain a balanced nutrition, and improve general wellbeing. The information session will invite Dietitian Miss Angel Chan, to introduce the health diet, and general healthy principles. Miss Chan has once worked in Fairfield Hospital as a Clinical Dietitian, and been an invited guest speaker promoting health and nutrition in broadcasting station such as 2AC and 2CR.
Another guest for the information session is the Assosication sub-chairman, who will be introducting practicial dietary tips as well as healthy recipes on the day.
Information session:
Date: 5th April Sat 2008
Time: 2:30-3:45pm
Venue: Belmore Senior Citizens Centre, Redman Parade, Belmore
Cost: free
新聞 :. 社區新聞
澳洲弱能兒童協康會將於下月初繼續舉辦家長資訊講座,探討弱能子女營養問題,和如何通過均衡營養,去改善弱能子女健康。今次講座將邀請到營養師陳鈺晶小姐作為主講嘉賓。陳小姐將會介紹有關均衡營養的常識,如何改善弱能子女的個人健康,同時亦可以幫助他們發揮潛能。現私人執業的陳小姐曾任 Fairfield 醫院營養師,她也曾在電臺上介紹營養學的常識。
日期: 二零零八年四月五日 星期六
時間: 下午二時三十分至三時四十五分
地點: Belmore Senior Citizens Centre, Redman Parade, Belmore
費用: 免費
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