Local: Chinese News March
Nutritional Talk for Australia Children Disability Association
Individual development and obtaining good health is restricted for disability, no matter in medical care, or under parental care. In addition the physiology or other factor, disable patients would require greater special support. Australia Children Disability Assoiation will be holding a health and nutritional information session in next month, which will discuss and investigate children nutritional concerns, how to obtain a balanced nutrition, and improve general wellbeing. The information session will invite Dietitian Miss Angel Chan, to introduce the health diet, and general healthy principles. Miss Chan has once worked in Fairfield Hospital as a Clinical Dietitian, and been an invited guest speaker promoting health and nutrition in broadcasting station such as 2AC and 2CR.
Another guest for the information session is the Assosication sub-chairman, who will be introducting practicial dietary tips as well as healthy recipes on the day.
Information session:
Date: 5th April Sat 2008
Time: 2:30-3:45pm
Venue: Belmore Senior Citizens Centre, Redman Parade, Belmore
Cost: free
新聞 :. 社區新聞
澳洲弱能兒童協康會將於下月初繼續舉辦家長資訊講座,探討弱能子女營養問題,和如何通過均衡營養,去改善弱能子女健康。今次講座將邀請到營養師陳鈺晶小姐作為主講嘉賓。陳小姐將會介紹有關均衡營養的常識,如何改善弱能子女的個人健康,同時亦可以幫助他們發揮潛能。現私人執業的陳小姐曾任 Fairfield 醫院營養師,她也曾在電臺上介紹營養學的常識。
日期: 二零零八年四月五日 星期六
時間: 下午二時三十分至三時四十五分
地點: Belmore Senior Citizens Centre, Redman Parade, Belmore
費用: 免費
Enquiry and appointment 諮詢及預約
Sat: 9am - 10:30am, by appointment. 21 John street, Lidcombe, 9646 2828.
Sat: 11am - 4pm, by appointment, Auburn Family Medical Centre, 4A Auburn road, Auburn, 9749 2444.
Sat: by appointment. CSD Clinic, Suite 28, Level 2,World Square, 650 George Street,Sydney 9283 5772
Sat: 11am - 4pm, by appointment, Auburn Family Medical Centre, 4A Auburn road, Auburn, 9749 2444.
Sat: by appointment. CSD Clinic, Suite 28, Level 2,World Square, 650 George Street,Sydney 9283 5772

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